Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's My 36th Birthday!

I've now been on this earth a complete 36 years.

Do you ever get feeling that only great things are waiting for you? That's how I feel right now. This next year is going to be fantastic!

My goals for this next year:
1) Share something on my blog daily, no matter how small or silly
2) Take a picture of myself everyday
3) Eat healthier and exercise more

My blog posting will probably come in spurts at first, a whole bunch on one day and then nothing for a while, but I hope to even it out. (I think this was a goal last year, and we see how well that went). BUT, blogger has done fanastic things with it's template designer. I stayed up way too late last night playing will all the scenes and options. I've pretty much got the layout set the way I want it (I'm still working on a few of the tab items), and when I get bored with the background, I can easily change it. I *may* stick with it this time.

Here we go.

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